Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Feb 10 photo and some layouts

Today's photo was a real quick shot as we were heading to swimming. But I for once had my DSLR to hand so I managed to get a pretty good sky this evening. For once it wasn't raining or snowing. The good news is that the camera shop has agreed to give me a refund on my point and shoot - I think it's only fair enough after the third fault with the zoom. So tomorrow I may well go and find a replacement, which will make the photo a day much easier to achieve.

Below are my layouts from the Sunday crop. Just about all are using my Studio Calico kit from last month.
This one is a shot of Katy diligently completing her holiday homework while we were in France last summer - she ended up with a lovely book of memories.

Me and the girls in Pennsylvania, 1993. Happy days :)

This one contains shots taken by our own little paparazzo, once again in France last summer. And below is Katy all dressed up for a night out in the campsite bar. I love these Nadiya stamps from Studio Calico, they work like a dream.

Next is Katy's first loose tooth, also using a SC kit with a few embellishments from my supplies.
And lastly is a wacky page which really challenged me. This was a LRS kit which scared me quite a lot. but having cut into the papers I really like how they work with the colours of the photos. Katy managed to pour a glass of red wine over her beautiful white t shirt and cardigan while dancing to a band outside a restaurant in France. She was soaked and cold so I had to run to the ethnic market to find something to cover her up so we could watch the fireworks (it was Bastille Day and we had been enjoying the streetmusic festival). This technicolour dreamcoat was the very expensive solution. She loved it and still does.

With hindsight I now have a huge list of Joseph-inspired titles I wish I'd chosen for this page.


Paper Playdate said...

Love the sky photo & your layouts- great work!

Denise said...

I am so glad you worked out the refund for your camera! The POD challenge will be so much easier. :o) great photo for the day. I love sky shots. :o) I also love all your layouts. WOW...you got a lot done and they are all fab!