April had gone to so much trouble, all the little packages were decorated with these lovely handmade tags, all different (which I am soooo using in my layouts!).
Thursday, 3 April 2008
a very happy mail day
I had the nicest surprise this evening - my Studio Calico Easter swap package from April came today, and I was blown away by her generosity. Basically the swap was organised by Rebekah, who linked us up with someone else to send a bundle of Easter loveliness to. I was lucky enough to get paired with April. Look at all this stuff!

April had gone to so much trouble, all the little packages were decorated with these lovely handmade tags, all different (which I am soooo using in my layouts!).
This was a fab handmade magic box - April if you read this I'd love the instructions for this!
April had gone to so much trouble, all the little packages were decorated with these lovely handmade tags, all different (which I am soooo using in my layouts!).
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Whoo hoo!! What a happy mail day for sure!! Been lovin your work girl!! Absolutely fantastic!
Wasn't that swap fun?!!
You got a fabulous package!! :0)
found your blog through SC...looks like you got some seriously good Easter swap goodies!!!
anyway, i have a video on my blog by *yours truly* about how to make the magic boxes...if you care to check it out. the link is on the left side, scroll down under 'videos'.
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