I haven't posted recently as we have been so so busy with all the house related tasks. It's all coming along well, and I will be able to post some 'after' pictures soon. But at the moment our focus has been on our poor little sick girl. Katy has picked up a horrible bug and has been ill since Saturday. She's been pretty much laid flat by it poor thing. It's just a viral thing but it's taking longer than we'd like to pass through. Hopefully just another day or so. but it has meant that she's missed a bit of school. Luckily school was closed on Monday and Tuesday so today would have been her first day back, but I really doubt she'll be back tomorrow. Keeping fingers crosed that she makes her first full day in on Friday.
The photo is from Thomas' christening, I swiped the photo to scan from my Auntie Mary's album.
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