Tuesday, 31 March 2009

ending the month with cake

Just as I started the month.

Another week has whizzed by, here are the pics. Mainly featuring cake, birthdays and views from my car.

A wet Wednesday from my car window.
Thursday: stopped by roadworks again. But I was off work today so wasn't too worried.

Friday: my neighbourhood - I was heading home and liked this cherry tree on the left.

Saturday night saw the start to Katy's birthday celebrations. We went for a meal at our favourite Indian restaurant. To be honest we would have gone even if it weren't Katy's birthday, but she felt spoiled anyway. She enjoyed working on her magazine while waiting for her chicken korma.
Sunday was the big day. We went for lunch and then off to Wemblay to see the Mickey Mouse Magic Show. It was great fun and put us nicely in the mood for our holidays. Afterwards it was home for cake.

Monday: the usual chores, but at least the sun was shining.

And today, more cake! Key Lime Cupcakes for work tomorrow.

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Monday and Tuesday

... and two photos further along. I had a really mundane day yesterday so my photo is pretty orindary -bedtime for little girls.
Today I was in central London for some legal work stuff, itwas sunny in town today; I always like London in the sunshine. Well, I like it all the time really but especially in the sun as all the buildings look so nice.

Apart from slowly coming to the end of the craziest month as far as work is concerned, things here have been focused on a certain little girl's birthday this weekend. We have a nice weekend planned for her and a few surprises, so we are all looking forward to it.

7 weeks tonight we will be going to bed all packed and ready for our Florida trip!!!

Sunday, 22 March 2009

another week has passed

Tuesday: St Patrick's Day - the green ribbons were gone but the cheekiness was still there!
Wednesday: 8 weeks until we go and see Mickey Mouse!
Thursday: the sun is out and the tights are gone, hopefully for the next 6 months at least. Katy is loving the good weather.

Friday: A work trip to Swindon today. We were in the historic ares near the railway museum, there were some great old buildings. And a great outlet mall :)

Saturday: This flower bed was FULL of weeds this morning, so I'm feeling very satisfied at the moment.
And today, Sunday: Mother's Day flowers.
Have a happy Sunday!

Monday, 16 March 2009

signs of spring

are showing up everywhere. The blossom is starting to grow, and it is positively warm here today - Katy got her legs out for the first time all year and ditched the tights in favour of socks.
Yesterday's photo was just a quick spontaneous moment between Katy and daddy.

Saturday, 14 March 2009

a busy week

..... with one thing and another, but I managed just about to take photos. Wednesday's was a super quick snap from my desk of the ever expanding magazine pile. On Thursday I was in Berkhamstead, back at the blue school, and played around with some of the old architechture from the car.
Friday 13th was the Big Day. Katy's 6th birthday party. Her birthday is still 2 weeks off but she shared the party with a friend. 45 or so kids in a soft play barn, loads of cake, fun and noise.

We had a great time. Today was spent recovering and unwrapping many gifts. The notice board in my kitchen is in about the same state as the rest of the house - chaotic and full of piles!

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

still going..........

and this is the last week's offerings. Wednesday: signs of spring
Thursday: so so many of these all around here at the moment, grr

Friday: a slice of rural England (another work trip, Staffordshire this time)

Saturday: a splash of colour

Sunday: still at home, I was really tired and lacking energy today so dodn't go far.

Monday: the biggest slice of cake ever.

And today, Tuesday. more roadworks from my car. I like the colour of these trucks though so I'll forgive them for slowing me down.

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Getting back in the habit

...of uploading my photos regularly. I was in Rutland yesterday and this fellow was welcoming me at the entrance to the school. I had meant to use the word prompts this week but forgot to check them o Sunday night, so it was only last night I realised the word was crowded, ha. I was surrounded by spac and open countryside at this school, it was gorgeous up there.
Today I was a little closer to home, only 20 miles away. I parked outside the school and walked in thinking about what I could make of the word for today - blue. So we have a blue school. Perfect. Must be karma.

Monday, 2 March 2009

still taking photos

Monday: the new mosque. I was really far away from this and it was impossible to get straight.
Tuesday: views from my car on the way to work

Wednesday: on the way to work again

Thursday: I have spent a lot of time in here lately

Friday: a castle in the countryside

Saturday: my bookshelf

Sunday: Katy's birthday cake -rehearsal